The third and final reading from the 2005 Christmas CD is one of my most favorite stories. As a kid, when I first encountered this story—I think as an “after-school special” type thing, it hit some strong emotional chords with me. I’m not entirely sure why, but I remember this story as the first that actually made me cry. (Old Yeller worked it’s magic on me years later…)
The Velveteen Rabbit is a cute little story about a stuffed, toy rabbit who longs to be “real.” Initially of little interest to his owner, or to the other toys with whom he is thrown together, eventually the rabbit becomes the much-loved favorite of the boy. After the boy contracts an illness which requires the purging of those belongings he keeps closest to him, the rabbit is thrown out of the house, to be incinerated. Filled with love for the boy, and sadness at their separation, the rabbit’s single tear summons the “toy fairy,” who completes his transformation and deposits him in the forest among the other real rabbits.
The 2005 CD may’ve been shorter, but that was ok ’cause it had this story on it. Also, I managed to sneak Spidey into the CD jacket, which was fun.
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