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i keep my sleep in my pockets so i don't lose any of it i've been receiving drunken e-mail from dennis. it's all full of strange ding bats and bad german about gummi bears. if this keeps up, i'll have to fly to san fran and schedule an intervention. my birthday (january 20) will be scarred horribly by the inauguration of one george w. bush (i knew thomas jefferson, buddy, and w. you ain't know t.j.). looks like it's official, folks. time to start stockpiling canned goods and fire arms. matt, update, my brother. speaking of matt, he was kind to call yesterday. he was checking to see that i had not slid off the road and became one with the tree bark. i'm glad to hear that brian survived his little "snow + car = oh shit!!" incident. new song, new contest: cheers.
or that's the reaction of the californian co-worker in the office today. i swear, a slight dusting and folks start to panic. i don't worry about my driving in this weather, just everyone else. well, the little contest i ran yesterday, lasted all of 5 minutes. i post, go eat, come back, check the e-mail, and nanette has already got the fucking answer, bonus as well (song: push, artist: the cure, album: the head on the door 1985). congrats to her. i knew i should have gone with a song off of the top. as brian has already pointed out, radiohead have already named their next album: amnesiac. this means we'll be able to "accidentally find" bootlegs of the new songs soon. me like! looks like dennis has more girls than he can handle. he wants to throw one my way, alas, he lives in san francisco. cheers. work sucked today, as usual. for some reason, i feel as if i'm back in high school, this is not a good thing. high school and i did not get along. by the end of the workday, i was not acknowledging anyone or talking, just working. i guess i was having a margot kidder moment. i'll be better once i eat something. apologies to anyone offended by the numerous spelling errors that have appeared in the last few months. it's a problem i've had forever and it's not going to go away. i could go over this post 25 times, and not catch a typo that is probably very obvious. let's play a game: "i've got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell!" "when cameron was in cameron's land, let my cameron go" i haven't been able to check my e-mail in the last three days. it would seem fit that i'd post my resume on line and the computer i use to check to see if anybody wants to hire me is gone. for some reason or other one of my roommates, frank, took his laptop over to his girlfriend's place and left it. sure, he has every right to, but it's fucking frustrating. at least i can use my other roommate, brian's imac to update the weblog. so the truth comes out, yes i do not own my own computer. this is sure to gain me endless criticism from some, but i don't really give a shit (hey, i know enough to design my own site, dig?). i suffered from the anti-ferris bueler-syndrome: in the choice of buying a computer or a car, i opted car. i guess that makes me more of a cameron. to paraphrase ferris, "i could be the walrus, but i'd still have to bum computers off people." someday, i'll get my own, when the money comes rolling in. and in keeping with the theme presented by matt's update (i think, personality wise, he's more the brendan fraser type), people i've been compared to: bob sagat: no shit the full house/home videos guy. this almost started a few fist fights. i guess that's what you get when you're a smart-ass. that guy from the band live, ed somethingorother: when i shaved my head and they were popular. crispin glover: now this one i can deal with, mainly for the cool, freaky factor. david duchony: it has to be the nose (and yes probably the smart-ass factor) edward norton: again, at another moment in my life when i was shaving my head, this time sporting a goatee, and american history x came out. with hair, apparently there are a few similar mannerisms (nasually voice, squinty eyes when overreacting, thin). apparently, i have given off the impression to a few friends that i not doing so hot. dennis called today to check my pulse, but i reassured him that all is well and good. don't worry folks, i have hid all the razors and cleaning products. my roommate brian's band (the kates) are finally going to play an open mic night tomorrow. dispite my endless complaining, they are actually very good. very british invasion/kinks influenced. so good luck to them. now if only i could satisfy my own rock'n'roll dreams. i also got a call from my old pal shawn "the wug" conley, today. he was listening to some mope rock and thought of me. he may be visiting from murray this month which quite okay by me. wug has always had the ability to call me out on my bullshit. in my pantheon, he would be the god of blunt, honest reality. it would seem my drinking antics were so pronounced that both matt and brian commented on it at bipolar. i guess every circus needs its clown. and in closing, let's all hope that nanette's war on rodents does not devolve into caddyshack style mayhem. last night the ol' puffin, without intending to, got a bit drunk. really drunk. holding on to the ground so i don't fall off the world drunk. "damn, she looks fine for a midget" drunk. i should have stopped after the drunken bowling festivities, but i apparently have a deathwish. at one point, i told brian that i didn't want to puke on his stuff, then promptly passed out. woke up, went home, slept a bit more. woke up, puked some yellow (or as the fremen call it "changed the water of life"), tried to watch tv. of course my roommates' band came over to play. normally, i'd run over to the bipolar den, but the world looked like it was shot in a 1960s batman tv show style. i took another nap, and around 7:00pm i was human enough to escape. needless to say, tonight the puffin is taking it slow. brian uncovered a trailer for the tomb raider movie. the trailer reminded me of the first x-men trailer. i guess they're going to try to copy that success. mmmmmm.....angelina jolie. matt says that puffin a go go is showing up as a link on few other pages. i better be nice and start visiting these people. at least some people are enjoying this page other than me. cheers. "last night i turned around and thought i saw the world ending" if you're a regular here, you're probably a regular over at brian and matt's bipolar, so you already know that brian has acquired smashing pumpkins' machina II for me. it's hailed as the final album, and can only be acquired over the net. apparently, corgan and co. decided to make 25 vinyl versions of this record (two 12" and three 7" records in each package), distributed them to friends, family, and a couple of fan sites. it's cool that i'll be able to acquire it for free, but there's something about going into a record store, searching through the stacks, and holding the actual cd or record in your hands. i'm a music geek, i love the whole total package thing. it's sad to see the pumpkins go. i'd have killed for the opportunity to see that last four and a half hour show. i saw them three times on the siamese dream tour ('93-'94). each venue got increasingly larger as they became more and more popular. at the beginning of the tour, i saw them at a tiny hole in the wall. halfway through the tour, i saw them at a college basketball arena (where i met them, and they were some of the friendliest folks you'll meet, honest!). at the end of the tour, lolapallooza. some people may not like them that much, but i always will. siamese dream was the soundtrack for my first real romance. they will be missed by this guy. god, i hate my job. i have one of those cheeky office jobs that low on physical activity and high on stress. i mean there are a few individuals in the office that i actually do get along with but it's not really enough. i don't mind having alot of work to do, i prefer it actually, i just don't like chewing other people's food for them and putting out unnecessary fires. i don't have anything in common with anybody there and almost everyone quite a bit older than me. i'm getting tired of false accusations of trying to screw people out of their pay and speculation on my sexual preference. i've been trying to get a job at this one place, but they seemed to have forgotten me. today, i put my resume on monster, so here's hoping i get some love. hell, the real reason why i want a better paying job is so i can finally get the equipment i need to make the music i want to write. my gear is complete shit. it's not about greed here folks, just frustration over a lack of true expression. eddie izzard was on hbo again last night. i swear, the first time i saw this stand-up genius i cried with laughter. he's extremely intelligent (he did his encore in french, and it was still hilarious) and english (them folks sure talk funny). if you get a chance, check him out. my roommate brian's band is practicing upstairs. normally i wouldn't mind, but tonight is the last night of dune, and i want to be able to hear it. thank god i'm taping it. god, it's depressing outside. i think i probably suffer from some sort of seasonal affected disorder. when winter hits and the skies gray, i just don't want go out or be around people. i mean, more than usual. cold, dreary weather just destroys my ability to project the happy-go-lucky mask i normally wear. yeah, the truth becomes more obvious in the frosted winds. watched the first part of the dune mini-series last night. they seemed to have put a whole lot of work into it. nice sets and costumes. sandworms and ships look great. it's just really hard not to sit and compare it to the david lynch version. i need to push that one out of my mind as i watch the rest of the mini-series. hopefully, the sci-fi channel will continue to make other mini-series based on other sci-fi/fantasy novels. it's okay, it's alright....ah" i watched really great movie last night american movie. it's about an independant film maker in wisconsin who dreams big, but is constantly challenged by his own faults. this documentary (apparently it was real, it was so funny though, i thought it had to be fake at first) is chock full of hilariously interesting people (mike rules!) yet is quite sincere. the film maker, mark, has so much going on in his head, he seems to implode (sometimes i feel i could relate). if you like the movie, mark and mike apparently have a show at 0tv. still playing tomb raider chronicles. if you're a big video game player (and who isn't, come on release your inner geek!), gamespot is a great place for hints, cheat codes, previews, and reviews. it's so hot. tonight is the first night of the dune miniseries on scifi. looks like it'll be pretty good. too bad i have to miss the x-files (nothing personal dana). matt says he received a short e-mail from brian yesterday. i haven't heard anything. he hasn't updated bipolar since he left. he better not be dead. i'd hate to have to go to chicago and demand some answers from nanette. so brian if you are alive and reading this... update! update, now! "son of jor-el, kneel before zod!" ladies and gentlemen, i know that a chemical dependancy is no laughing matter, but what is former hardcore beer addict supposed to do on a friday night with his buds whilst his favorite drinking establishment no longer exists? i'll tell you, he goes to the next closest bar, in hopes that, due to location, the regular crowd will have spilt over. no such luck, sirs and ma'ams. in the words of brian, "not so good, al." i guess we'll all have to take turns as the designated driver from now on, so we can enjoy a drink (or fifteen) at a decent bar. that fucker brax never has to drive. bastard doesn't own a car. as expected, matt stayed up all night playing dr. frankenstein (and for the record boys and girls, frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster. if you think otherwise, go to hell...now!). about time he was able to own a machine almost up to his standards (now if i could only get my own). let's see, he went to bed about 8:00am, so he'll probably wake up around 4:42pm sunday afternoon. i'll make sure to call ahead before dropping in on him. with brian gone these few days, he's probably enjoying lots of naked time. and to all of brian's a.i.m. buddies, that was me on his computer last night. brian wasn't ignoring you, i was. i will no doubt catch some sort of shit from the boy about using his machine, but he'll be fine. nothing broken... too badly (the urine smell will eventually expire). |
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