Comments on: How I Remember the Milk (or don’t) Tue, 09 Aug 2011 03:28:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: matt Wed, 13 May 2009 04:22:45 +0000 RTM and I have our ups and downs. I tend to be a project obsessive–working on one project to the exclusion or detriment of others. So, in that way my usage of RTM has not been what I’d like it to be. Still, i have it open all day, and i have referred to it, on occasion, from my Treo when out and about. (I think mobile usage will be much easier, and my usage will go up dramatically once I get an iPhone in the next few months).

I think that it *has* helped me, in as much as it’s an easily accessible system that I didn’t have to build from the ground-up, but I can still fiddle with and tweak as I see room for improvement. And I feel that I have gotten some things done that might have slipped through the cracks otherwise.

As for Merlin’s new direction… in a lot of ways, i think his self reinvention kind of pushed me in the direction i’ve been heading since last year (see the first post on this site, which links to another post on my other blog if you’re interested).

I kind of see your point, but I think that that’s kind of his point… I feel like he’s transitioning from being a teller (teacher) to a do-er (inspirer). In that regard, it very much worked for me. I learned a lot from him during his teacher phase, and am enjoying his creative phase from afar, though i don’t pay a lot of attention anymore… i’m too busy working on my own stuff!

(Merlin is still my #1 favorite’ed twitterer, however.)

By: Review 777 Tue, 12 May 2009 18:23:52 +0000 So has RTM been useful in getting you to do the things you wanted to do? Or is it something you’re still testing out?

BTW, what do you think of Merlin Mann’s new direction? I think it’s great he’s frustrated with the ratio of reading tips to actual doing stuff, but I don’t think he has a solution to getting away from tips and getting people to actually do stuff.
